Information of Nepal

»» Head of State:
His Majesty the King.
»» Head of Government:
Prime Minister.
Political System: Multi-party democracy with constitution
»» Nepal is land lock
»» Land Area: 147181
Sq. Kms.Lengths 885 Kms. East-West Widths. 193. North-South.
»» Population 2, 40,
00,000 Aprox.
»» People: Indo-aryan
»» Official Language:
»» Religion: Hinduism
90%, 5% Buddhist, 3% Muslim, 2% Christian.
»» Culture: Hinduism
is lifeblood of the Nepalese.

»» Nepal is full of
mountains and hills there are 17% flat land. This land
is good for farming. There are 95% people based on agriculture
in inhabitable regions there are high population density.
The development of roads agriculture and social project
has been slow. There are 24 millions people (approximate)
these people are idols worships. When we think this situation
from the perspective of the Bible any one can imagine
the heart's of the true believer out of twenty four millions
people there are less than 2% Christians. Since Nepal
is land lock country, the economiocal condition is very
worse. According to the World Bank report Nepal is the
second poorest country in the World.

»» Socially, this
country has a very strong caste system which is divided
into four major groups. They are as follows - Brahmins,
Kshatria, Vaisyas and Sudra. In this situation we find
importance to propagate the Gospol of Jesus Christ in
this nation.
»» This country has
Multi-party system, yet there is no freedom for religion,
so minority Christians are still under the suppressions
Constitutionally conversion is prohibited it means there
is no freedom.

What do
they believe?
»» They worship 33
million god and goddesses.
»» Spirits and imps
that appear in bodily forms.
»» Witchcraft and
»» Sacrifices that
must constantly be made in order to keep the spirits appease.
»» Cremation (burning
of the dead body).
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